The next evening, our Savior hung in agony from a crudely built cross. His eyes stung with the blood that trickled from the wounds His crown of thorns had created. His skinless back racked with pain as it brushed against the rough, splintered wood with every breath He took. Surely if we were put into His position, our minds would be focused on ourselves and our own agony. But Jesus did something remarkable on this dark evening. He looked at you, and He looked at me, and He saw a need. Our feet were dirty. And instead of looking over something so insignificant, the God of heaven knelt before a filthy sinner — before the very person whose wickedness held Him to that cross — and He washed my feet. He washed your feet.
Look at John 13:14. “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.” Are we, like Christ, really looking past ourselves? Are we looking for ways to love others as Christ loved us? Take some time out of your busy schedule this coming week to crucify your desires, and show someone Jesus’ love.