Traveled a long, bumpy, volcanic road to the remote village, Kotto II, today. The Chamberlins needed to finalize their land purchase. During the 6 hours we waited for the government officials, we sat and talked with the locals. Several of the ladies are pleading for a school to be started. Dad gave a devotional to the 12 or so men that had gathered out of curiosity. I am so proud of him. For the first time speaking through a translator, he did remarkably well! Just going to list the Chambelins' vision for Kotto: II:
1. Church -- We need a preacher!!!
2. School-- We need teachers and administrators and artists!
3. Clinic -- We need doctors and nurses and people to wash laundry!
4. VBS -- We need people who love children!
5. Rabbit farm -- We need people who love rabbits!
6. Gardening -- We need farmers!
7. Ladies Bible study -- We need people who love the Word of God!
The Chamberlins are such go-getters! Will you pray about joining this ministry?
Mrs. Chamberlin and I have high hopes that a shelter will be built for us within the next 2 weeks so that we can have a VBS when Aunt Paula arrives.
Praying for you and your dad.